Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Work & Paintings at the DOC!

Greetings Everyone!
I have been busy working on commissioned projects lately, so I apologize for the late update. Here are a few of the paintings I have been working on.

The first 4 paintings are done for a dear client of mine who has property in the San Juan Islands.
I loved them all but especially this first one, it was my first deer in a landscape.

This is a separate project that a client had provided images of property he grew up around. I love the mid-western feel to the tanks. He really enjoyed my urban/train landscapes as well as the more natural scenes, I think this was a great way to pull those elements together.

Also a separate commission for a client of mine. He loved the sky in "Layered Sky" and wanted that same idea but in a more vertical format. I love the way it looks and am so glad he thought of the idea!

Paintings at the

I just brought a batch of paintings to this fabulous little restaurant. They will be hanging there until April. I urge anyone who is in Portland to go visit them and eat at this restaurant. The atmosphere is lovely and quaint, the food is amazing! I would call ahead - they are busy bees!